Lac McGlashan
Val Des Monts, Quebec, Canada

- Group: Fédération des Lacs de Val-des-Monts : Lac McGlashan et Girard
- Site ID: VDM-003
- Lat: 45.6502
- Lng: -75.7452
- Waterbody Type: Stream
- Timezone: America/Toronto
Latest photos
View all photosCalm, sunny day. Bottom was visible with a water depth of 3.25m.
Beautiful sunny day! Lots of black flies (they are biting now).
Sunny day, and no major weather events in the past 48 hours. Last week, we had flooding, but water levels have gone down to almost normal now.
Mallard ducks. Still some flooding but water has receded since last week
Depth 3.7
Beautiful fall day!
Hot and sunny. No rain in last 24 hours. Water has some Autumn debris on it. New definition for depth: far left corner of dock.
Saw either a hawk or a turkey vulture but was unable to make a solid identification. We also used the plankton net and saw loads of daphnia.
Used the plankton net, think we saw daphnia and mosquito larvae, midge fly larvae. Lots more water coming in through the stream after today's rainfall.
Rained yesterday. Lots more flow from the stream.