
Guidelines For Choosing Good Essay Examples

Many may not know how to judge good essay examples. To know if an essay is good or not, the best thing to de is to read them once or twice so that you will be able to pick up good examples from among the many essays. Here are some tips that I use when i need homework help to select good essays from the others:

  • Grammar and spelling

The most important point for an essay to qualify into the ‘good essay’ category is that it should have a proper grammar and spelling usage. If this is wrong, then the essay cannot be considered at all as this is the most important and vital point in writing irrelevant to the language that is being used for writing. So, whatever language it may be, the proper usage of grammar and spelling in that language is very important.

  • Format:

The essay format should also be checked along with the above point. Both these points are very important to qualify a good and perfect essay and also for selecting them as good essay examples. The format for an essay always carries separate points, many invigilators reject essays that are not according to the format. So, the formatting is vital for a good essay.

  • Writing style:

The next important aspect to check in an essay is the writing style of the writer. One should check the way a writer is written. The points that he has been given in the essay should be to the point. He or she should not have personalized the essay nor should have used personal nouns like you, we, me, I, etc. this may also depend on the type of essay that gas been written by the user.

  • Balancing the writing:

The writing should be balanced. The examples that the writer has given should not over shadow the main content, thus the message that the writer is trying to give will be lost to the reader. Similarly, any other matters like a story, a quotation, a proverb, etc. should act as a complimentary to the writer’s writing and should not attract the maximum attention of the writer. These are the important points that should be considered for good essay examples. One more important point is:

  • Creativity:

Amount of creativity used by the writer depends on the type of essay that he is writing. if he is writing profession essays like analysis essay, technology essay, etc. should not contain too much of creativity while essays like Othello essay, compare and contrast essay, etc. will require more amount of creativity. So look into the level of creativity by the writer. The creativeness again should not over shadow the message that the writer is trying to give.

There are also other points like the title and the topic of the essay, the number of words used in the essay that also determines good essay examples.

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