Box Lake Dock : Box Lake

British Columbia, Canada

Observed by
Rick and Janice Hogg
  • Observed on: Fri, 27 Oct 2023 15:40:00 -0700
  • Testers Janice and Rick Hogg
  • Associated with:
    Water Rangers : Testkitters
  • Lat: 50.2047331
  • Lng: -117.7117896
pH (0-14) What's this? 6.8
Dissolved oxygen mg/L What's this? 8.0
Secchi depth m What's this? bottom visible
Chlorine ppm What's this? 0.0
Hardness mg/L What's this? 0.0
Salinity ppt What's this? 0.0
Alkalinity mg/L What's this? 120.0
Water depth m What's this? 1.91
Conductivity μS/cm What's this? 151.0
Air temperature °C What's this? 5.0
Water temperature °C What's this? 9.8


Algae What's this? No
Odour What's this? None
Clarity What's this? Clear
Water Flow What's this? Still
Water Colour What's this? Clear
On the water surface What's this? None


Current weather What's this?
  • sunny
  • cloudy
Weather in previous 24 hours What's this?
  • sunny
  • cloudy
Light snow

Latest photos

No photos uploaded.


Saw mother grizzly bear and cub on up side of Box Mountain when driving in on FSR. Saw again when leaving parking lot by the dock, about 50 yds away, looked at us, then kept going.