Picton Harbour at Mouth of Marsh Creek : Picton Harbour on Lake Ontario

Picton, Ontario, Canada

Observed by
Don Ross
  • Observed on: Wed, 27 Sep 2023 13:50:00 -0400
  • Testers Don Ross
  • Associated with:
    County Sustainability Group
  • Lat: 44.0089905
  • Lng: -77.1364474
pH (0-14) What's this? 7.0
Dissolved oxygen mg/L What's this? 6.5
Secchi depth m What's this? 1.6
Hardness mg/L What's this? 150.0
Alkalinity mg/L What's this? 60.0
Water depth m What's this? 1.8
Conductivity μS/cm What's this? 279.0
Air temperature °C What's this? 24.0
Water temperature °C What's this? 20.5



Current weather What's this?
  • sunny
  • windy
Sunny with some thin clouds forming and moderately windy.
Weather in previous 24 hours What's this?
  • sunny
No rain in past 24 hrs.

Latest photos


Sunny day with some wispy clouds forming and moderately windy…no rain in past 24 hrs. Some seagulls around and lots of heavy weeds, algae and surface scum in the section that gets no circulation of water once that fountain got removed again earlier this summer. Spoke about our testing with a nice couple visiting the area from Bobcageon and gave them a card to visit the website to learn more.