OB Curtis : Brashear Creek

Ridgeland, Mississippi, United States

Observed by
LeAnn Nealey
E.coli cfu per 100mL What's this? 433.33
Other coliform cfu per 100mL What's this? 4,000.0
Total coliform cfu per 100mL What's this? 4,433.33
Air temperature °C What's this? 19.5
Incubation time (hours) What's this? 32.0
Water temperature °C What's this? 19.0
Incubation temperature °C What's this? 31.0


Fragments What's this?
Microbeads What's this?
Microfibers What's this?


Current weather What's this?
  • cloudy
Still; dry - no appreciable rain in several weeks
Weather in previous 24 hours What's this?
  • sunny
Slightly breezy

Latest photos


Water level low; water is cloudy with oily sheen; slight flow
New security guard (Fred) called his supervisor when we arrived to make sure it was ok that we could test. LeAnn talked to the supervisor and explained who we were with and where we would be testing; he said that was fine as long as we did not enter the actual premises (inside the fence)