Bob's Bridge : Swan Creek

Esquimalt, British Columbia, Canada

Observed by
John Coates
pH (0-14) What's this? 7.0
Dissolved oxygen mg/L What's this? 6.68
Dissolved oxygen % What's this? 65.3
Air temperature °C What's this? 8.0
Water temperature °C What's this? 7.1
Total dissolved solids ppm What's this? 314.0



Current weather What's this?
  • cloudy
Weather in previous 24 hours What's this?
  • sunny
  • cloudy

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After witnessing active spawning of Coho Nov.2- Dec.18/24 , a few remaining 'weathered' fish are swimming with their last energy. One was here at Bob's bridge. Passersby are full of questions re: the spawning habits etc. AND amazement that they are here in THIS creek!