River Wey
Godalming, Surrey, United Kingdom
Small section of the river splits just up stream of the pub at Lower Eashing. It then rejoins the main channel below Lower Eashing bridge. The sample site is just below the westerly arch of the bridge upstream from where the small side channel rejoins the main channel. Right by the small car park. Runoff from the A3 drains into this channel a hundred yards or so upstream from this spot.

- Group: River Wey Trust : Godalming
- Site ID: GB106039017820/T010/SEQ450
- Lat: 51.1859064
- Lng: -0.6469268
- Waterbody Type: River
- Timezone: Europe/London
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View all photosRiver Wey : Downstream of the westerly arch of Lower Eashing bridge
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River Wey : Downstream of the westerly arch of Lower Eashing bridge
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River Wey : Downstream of the westerly arch of Lower Eashing bridge
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River Wey : Downstream of the westerly arch of Lower Eashing bridge
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A new sand bank has been created presumably by the high waters before xmas. A small amount of scu...
River Wey : Downstream of the westerly arch of Lower Eashing bridge
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River Wey : Downstream of the westerly arch of Lower Eashing bridge
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high flow quite strong. evidence of recent higher water levels from the heavy rain earlier in the...
River Wey : Downstream of the westerly arch of Lower Eashing bridge
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River Wey : Downstream of the westerly arch of Lower Eashing bridge
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saw kingfisher
River Wey : Downstream of the westerly arch of Lower Eashing bridge
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River Wey : Downstream of the westerly arch of Lower Eashing bridge
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Saw a kingfisher