Mouth of Bittern Creek

Bittern Creek

Quebec, Canada

Site just inside the mouth of Bittern Creek. It is surrounded by dense bush with plants such as bullrush and typha, and other woody shrubs. It is relatively shallow, and has a diverse macrophyte population

Location created by
Emma Ehrenfeld

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Very soft organic-rich bottom - easy to sink and get stuck!

Muskrat dens in reeds

Fish: Northern pike, pumpkinseed sunfish, yellow perch, largemouth bass, bluntnose minnows.

Plants: Yellow pond lilies, fragrant white pond lilies, Eurasian milfoil, elodea, typha, loosestrife, water marigold, American bur-reed, richardsons pondweed, starry duckweed, tape grass, bladderwort.

Birds: Common tern, black tern, seagulls

21 Jul 11:20 by Emma Ehrenfeld

Plants: Typha, Sedge, coontail/fanwort? elodea, Richardsons pondweed, Eurasian milfoil, yellow pondlilies, and curly leaf pondweed.
Birds seen included common and black terns, and a great blue heron.

06 Jul 10:00 by Emma Ehrenfeld