Outlet to Lake Huron near 157 Saugeen Beach Road
Ontario, Canada
This stream enters Lake Huron north of 157 Saugeen Beach Road. There is a public access pathway from the road to the shore along the north side of the creek. The riparian zone near the beach is natural, but flowing through a private property, native vegetation has been removed and the riparian zone has been hardened with rocks and stones. On the east side of Saugeen Beach Road the creek flows through a property owned by the Escarpment Biosphere Conservancy. Sample is taken adjacent to the Beach Access sign near the shore. The water flows year-round.

- Group: Lake Huron Coastal Centre : Lake Huron Coastal Conservation Youth Corps
- Site ID: SBR-157
- Lat: 44.4239269
- Lng: -81.43296
- Waterbody Type: Unknown
- Timezone: America/Toronto
Latest photos
View all photosGreenish brown algae floating on the surface of the creek and covering everything below the water surface in stringy wisps.