Echo Bay Cattail Marsh- Lake George

Lake George

Ontario, Canada

Cattail Marsh in Lake George

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Aquatic Vegetation is really high and thick in the marsh. Observed a brown slush type substance floating on top of water in stagnant areas where water was not moving.

06 Sep 18:31 by BRITTNY WHITE

Lots of activity in the Marsh. I was happy to see that most of the skim from the oil spill had dissipated. Lots of Painted Turtles, Virginia Rails, Osprey, Marsh Wren, Red-winged Blackbirds, Great Blue Herons, Muskrat and River Otter were all observed. Aquatic vegetation is really starting to show up as well with the warmer weather.

03 Jul 10:26 by BRITTNY WHITE

Observed Common Carp in Marsh, as well as Painted Turtles, Least Bittern, Red-winged Blackbirds, Pied-Billed Grebes, Great Blue-Heron, and American Widgeon.

Currently a water advisory on for the TWP of Macdonald, Meredith and Aberdeen Additional due to an Oil spill into the St. Mary's River. Did observe oil sheen in the standing water within the Marsh from the spill, or possibly marine traffic.

13 Jun 13:35 by BRITTNY WHITE