River Wey
Burpham, Surrey, United Kingdom

- Group: Zero Guildford : River Wey at Guildford
- Site ID: GB106039017630/T090/SEQ610
- Lat: 51.257727
- Lng: -0.5606591
- Waterbody Type: River
- Timezone: Europe/London
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View all photosApart from Sewege smell we could also see and smell the landfill site oppersite. Saw Red Kites flying around. A lot more trees and scrub on the oppersite river bank cut back in preperation for new development.
The River Bank oppersite where we test Down Stream at Slyfield, has now been stripped back from all its trees and Riverside Scrub and plants, clearing the way for the development that is taking place there. It currently looks extremly stark.
Tests over detection limit >4,840CFU/100mL
Discharge from sewerage works, frothy and scummy
Fishing line on path
2 diving birds, grebes ?
3 kites over Slyfield, crows mobbing them
Both Total Coliforms and E.coli were above detection limit with 50% dilution. Reading >4839.2CFU/100mL.
Total coliforms were both above the range: >2419.6 CFU/100mL.
E. coli reading was a reading of 2419.6CFU/100mL. (1 small well was not fluorescent).
E. coli using Fluidium. IDEXX Colilert read >2419 CFU/100mL
Oppersite river bank landscape is changing fast, river bank trees and scrub all removed prior to large housing development and new sewage works. Fencing put up further back , cranes starting to work on the development site. Ecologists green net fencing now all removed on this oppersite river bank. River very high today and surging fast after storm Garrick.
River High , following heavy rain fall over last week. Flood alert issued for Upper River Wey by Environment Agency.