
River Wey

Waverley Borough, Surrey, United Kingdom

Location created by
Kat Kavanagh

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River is clearer than for several weeks

01 Jul 16:00 by Simon Bleach

Very high river level due to yesterday’s and overnight rain.

28 Apr 15:00 by Simon Bleach

River was cloudy, presumably due to recent rains.

24 Feb 13:16 by Simon Bleach

Major flood two days ago.

07 Jan 13:55 by Simon Bleach

Hadn’t realised that I had run out of test strips - hence zeros for some tests!

28 Nov 11:55 by Simon Bleach

No cows today

04 Aug 12:05 by Simon Bleach

River very low. Some Himalayan balsam.

28 Jun 12:40 by Simon Bleach

No wildlife. River is low. Cold grey day.

27 Feb 14:35 by Simon Bleach

No cows in field opposite.

30 Jan 15:00 by Simon Bleach

River was high after recent heavy rain.

28 Nov 11:40 by Simon Bleach