Lake Ontario
Ontario, Canada
Tested at the pier in Long Point Harbour past the Bird Observatory. Depth measurement to be done at the end of the pier on right hand side where deepest. Water test sample can be taken from the shore on the right hand side of the pier where it begins, just beyond the sign for all the fish varieties found in the lake.

- Group: County Sustainability Group
- Lat: 43.9369672
- Lng: -76.8618965
- Waterbody Type: Lake
- Timezone: America/Toronto
Latest photos
View all photosSunny with no rain in past 24 hrs. Some minnows in the water, seagulls , songbirds and dragonflies around in the air.
Sunny and windy with no rain in past 24 hrs. Large brown water snake swimming by near shore. Seagulls , dragonflies and monarch butterflies around.
Overcast and windy with no rain in past 24 hrs. Pair of swans, seagulls,2 loons, swallows ,songbirds, osprey, hawks and Canada geese.
Sunny day with just a tiny bit of rainfall in past 24 hrs. Some seagulls around. Water level is extremely low with sandbars appearing and shoreline much further out than usual.
Mostly sunny with high cirrus clouds and no rain in the past 24 hrs. Some seagulls, ducks, cormorants, swans and loons around on the water and in the air…dragonflies too. Spoke about Water Rangers testing with some groups of people walking around the dock area and some fishermen who were coming in with their boats who all were asking about what I was doing and seemed appreciative. Fishermen had been catching wallets and small mouthed bass.
Partly cloudy and windy day with a few MM rain in past 24 hrs. Some ducks, crows and swallows around.
Bit of a hazy sky with calm winds and no rain in past 24 hrs. Saw some seagulls, Canada Geese and a Heron in the harbour. Commercial fishing boat came in as we were leaving.
Sunny calm day with no rain in past 24 hrs or well over a week. Many songbirds can be seen and heard. Lots of birdwatchers out today with binoculars and cameras on the prowl for the spring migratory birds that come here.
Sunny day with no rain in past 24 hrs. Some Canada Geese and many songbirds seen and heard.
Sunny, calm day with just a few thin cirrus clouds and less than 1 Mm rainfall in past 24 hrs. Some Canada Geese and seagulls in the water ( where there is enough ) and a green frog hopped in along the shore. The harbour is showing its muddy bottom almost everywhere now, with green algae too. Never seen this harbour as low as this before!