Rideau Ferry Marina

Big Rideau Lake

Ontario, Canada

Location created by
Doris Albert

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Sunny cloudy, big rain storm last night
Calm, no wind
Total chlorine 0.5

07 Aug 18:12 by Doris Albert

Total chlorine 1
Slight wind 2prior days of heavy rain.

26 Jul 17:13 by Doris Albert

Weedy bottom
Sunny cloudy hot humid ,sudden raining
Total chlorine 1
Lots of algae bloom

30 Jun 16:31 by Doris Albert

Green algae blooms small amounts seen
Calm , slightly cloudy
Weed stems floating
Total chlorine 1

22 Jun 18:28 by Doris Albert

Overcast, calm
Total chlorine 1
Pair swans seen

27 May 13:11 by Doris Albert

pH reading of 0 removed by admin