Back Bay Biloxi
Biloxi, Mississippi, United States
The address of this site is 978 Bay Shore Drive, Biloxi Mississippi. This property is on the south shore of Back Bay just east of the mouth of Keegan Bayou and west of I110. The properties in this area are primarily residential. The outfall for the Harrison County East Biloxi Wasterwater Treatment plant just west of Keegan Bayou (the outfall is between Keegan Bayou and Benachi Avenue) on the same side of Back Bay. Keegan Bayou originates on KAFB and drains a large portion of this area of Biloxi. All of these things could impact the water quality at this sample site.

- Group: Mississippi State University : Mississippi Water Stewards
- Lat: 30.4133417
- Lng: -88.8962817
- Waterbody Type: Estuary
- Timezone: America/Chicago
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