Como Lake - West Side Dock
Port Moody, British Columbia, Canada
Initial test of sampling site on west side of Como Lake. Note: due to close proximity of road to other side of lake and ease of access, it was decided to use the dock on the east side of Como Lake for the main sampling site.

- Group: Burke Mountain Naturalists
- Lat: 49.2591
- Lng: -122.8583003
- Waterbody Type: Lake
- Timezone: America/Vancouver
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Sunday May 28 was the annual Como Lake Fishing Derby. There was a lot of activity on and around the lake. There were boats on the lake and people fishing from shore.
Birds observed on Monday May 29: 2 Canada geese, 3 mallards, 1 song sparrow, 1 red wing blackbird, 2 gulls at the East Dock location during the water monitoring session
Stocked fish jumping
Multiple fishers were fishing from the East dock during the water monitoring session.