River Canard (Lasalle)

Canard River

Ontario, Canada

Canard River branches away from the Detroit River and flows through River Canard (Lasalle). It is still and there is no danger. It is used for recreational activities such as kayaking, canoeing, paddle boarding, and swimming.

Location created by
Isabelle Kolodziej

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Ice was "on" and I could not sample.

26 Jan 17:06 by Isabelle Kolodziej

Water turbid in cup.
Water shoreline receded a noticeable amount.

30 Dec 17:03 by Isabelle Kolodziej

Water level receded about a metre or two.

28 Oct 12:49 by Isabelle Kolodziej

Water sample also cloudy in cup.

30 Sep 15:19 by Isabelle Kolodziej

Recreation: People were fishing in the area.

01 Jul 12:32 by Isabelle Kolodziej

Water higher this week than in previous measurements.

27 May 12:27 by Isabelle Kolodziej

Litter near or in water. Water level receded about a metre relative to summer months.

01 Apr 12:58 by Isabelle Kolodziej

Water level receded by about a meter or two relative to summer shoreline.

23 Feb 12:13 by Isabelle Kolodziej

Water quite turbid, even in cup.

26 Jun 13:08 by Isabelle Kolodziej

Water level higher than during previous reading.
Water clarity poor in river and turbid in cup.

29 May 13:27 by Isabelle Kolodziej