Wilson lake north shore

Wilson Lake

British Columbia, Canada

located of hwy 24 in the south Cariboo region of British Columbia, Wilson lake is a small lake in a chain that empties into Bridge lake to the west, and then on to Sheridan lake to the west of Bridge. Fish are stocked in smaller lakes up higher than Wilson, so periodically one can see the red salmon leaving via the creek.... Wilson lake is approximately 4000ft in elevation, is shallow and muddy, and consequently not a great fishing spot.

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rapunzel eh?

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Wilson Lake : Wilson lake north shore

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looks like a Canada Goose daycare has been set up on Wilson lake

Wilson Lake : Wilson lake north shore

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seems to be a film of green algae starting to form - we usually get quite a noticeable film of po...

Wilson Lake : Wilson lake north shore

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Wilson Lake : Wilson lake north shore

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