Theodore Dam

Theodore Reservoir

Saskatchewan, Canada


Location created by
Jerry Cheshuk

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Spillway barely running

25 Jun 14:15 by Jerry Cheshuk

Deer at the bottom of spillway, as well as pelicans.

29 May 16:30 by Jerry Cheshuk

Ice is still on the lake. Spillway flowing heavily. Staff gauge reads 6.

28 Apr 14:00 by Jerry Cheshuk

Spillway is running fast. Lots of water. Staff guage reads 4.5. Water is running too fast to safely take the depth with the Secchi. Murky water.

26 May 16:10 by Jerry Cheshuk

Water low, spillway not running.

29 Aug 11:49 by Jerry Cheshuk

Pelican at the bottom of the spillway. Just barely trickling.

08 Jun 13:51 by Jerry Cheshuk

Spillway water barely flowing. Bald eagle and Great Blue Heron flying around. Hydroseeding undertaking. Outlet for the Thedore Resivoir.

30 May 15:35 by Jerry Cheshuk