Theodore Reservoir
Saskatchewan, Canada

- Group: University of Regina : Citizen Science
- Site ID: TR001
- Lat: 51.4662138
- Lng: -102.8571377
- Waterbody Type: Lake
- Timezone: America/Regina
Latest photos
View all photosWater level at least a meter lower than normal.
Lots of fish flies.
Water quite green. Lots of algae.
Lots of rain in the last month. Visibility dropped a huge amount since last year.
Water level high. Stirred up from the wind. Clarity is decreased. Results are half of last year's from all the run off.
Crayfish on the bottom. Lots of algae on shore. Robin's egg on the pier.
Algae on the shore and bottom of the lake. Northern Pike spotted.
Ducks and loons floating around. Lots of algae on shore.
Water fairly clear, lightly tannine stained. No algae present yet. To be expected. Mallard ducks. Pelicans just arrived.