Ramp Saunders Pond Site 6 - Westminster Ponds ESA (Eastern Side of the Ramp)

Ramp Saunders Pond Site 6 Westminster Ponds ESA (Eastern Side of the Ramp)

London, Ontario, Canada

This is an old boat ramp that many people come to visit on walks. Often garbage can be found in this area from hikers (Tim Hortons Cups, Hockey nets and so forth). Many let their dogs off leash to swim in this area.

May 12, 2021 Already seeing Algae Matts forming on the surface. Southwest wind provide some descent little waves for the size of the pond.

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Prevailing winds drive wave action onto this shore. Wondering if this increases the Dissolved Oxygen at this site upwards?

The Algae seems to have shifted closer to the shore - maybe due to the very strong SW winds. Some seems to have sunk. A brown layer of algae seems to have developed on the surface here that we do not recall seeing in weeks past. We will be adding a photo soon.