Kushog Lake, Gull River watershed
Ontario, Canada

- Group: Kushog Lake Property Owners Association
- Site ID: Site #3 (LPP 1)
- Lat: 45.0796422
- Lng: -78.7857485
- Waterbody Type: Lake
- Timezone: America/Toronto
Latest photos
View all photosGuest participants; 2nd, 3rd and 4th generation Kushogers!
Huge change in clarity from May 7th after the big rain event!
DO reading above given for at 4m level, 15.0 degrees. We took readings every meter from 1m to 24m
Conductivity questionable; needs batteries!
First test strip from new bottle. Used comparison with back of green case. Maybe switch to bottle comparison chart.
All four sites had a cloudiness to the water.
Water temp: 22.3 @ surface, 20.5 @ 2M
Water colour brownish after recent storms
Water temperature @ 2m is 20.5
Water temp @ 2m was 10c
Water temp @ 2m was 17c
Water temp shown at surface. Temp at 2m was 20.0