Kushog Lake, Gull River watershed
Ontario, Canada

- Group: Kushog Lake Property Owners Association
- Site ID: Site #2 (LPP 4)
- Lat: 45.0568343
- Lng: -78.7579393
- Waterbody Type: Lake
- Timezone: America/Toronto
Latest photos
View all photosGuest participants; 2nd, 3rd and 4th generation Kushogers!
Huge change in clarity from May 7th after the big rain event!
Conductivity questionable; needs batteries!
New test strips using back of bottle for comparison.
Water temp: 23.1 @ surface, 21.0 @ 2M
Water colour brownish after recent storms
DO: depth - temp - mmHg - DO%
1m - 23.0 - 757.0 - 8.5
2m - 22.9 - 757.0 - 8.46
3m - 22.8 - 757.0 - 8.44
4m - 22.7 - 757.0 - 8.39
5m - 21.1 - 757.0 - 8.39
6m - 17.3 - 757.0 - 7.81
Water temperature @ 2m is 20.5
Water temp @ 2m was 9.5c
Water temp @ 2m was 17c
Water temp shown at surface. Temp at 2m was 20.0
Water temperature given at surface
Water temperature at 2m = 25