Halls Mill Creek
Mobile, Alabama, United States
Halls Mill Creek at this location is a small flowing stream; however, during extremely heavy rainfall, water can flood over the roadway. Currently, Halls Mill Creek is on the 303d list for sediment primarily related to land development in west Mobile. At this location the creek has a natural channel through a heavily vegetated floodplain.

Location created by
Mimi Fearn
- Group: Dog River : Dog River Clearwater Revival
- Site ID: AWW06005009
- Lat: 30.606955
- Lng: -88.1597686
- Waterbody Type: Creek
- Timezone: America/Chicago
Latest photos
Rained yesterday
Rained all day yesterday.
Turbidity (NTU): 6.08
Heavy rain yesterday. Creek flowing strongly, no longer in flood.
Heavy rain for past 3 days. Creek is high and current strong.