Little Lagoon SW

Little Lagoon

Gulf Shores, Alabama, United States

Site 4 is at a pier owned by Greg Luce and near the residence in the Bon Secour Wildlife Refuge home of LLPS Board Member Chan West. There is almost no development pressure in this end of the lagoon. Water quality overall is quite good here likely due to almost no development in the BNWR. Spring and Fall Diatom blooms here can be quite heavy and the toxic Dinoflagellate Karlodinium seems to like this end of Little Lagoon.

Location created by
Dennis Hatfield

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weather: Sunny; wind_speed (mph): 10-15; wind direction: East; baro (mmHg): 774.7; tide: Incoming; Secchi on bottom. Counted one row then scan. 2288 chaetoceros=2240single+48chain. Amphiprora;asterionellopsis;rhizosolenia counts from scan

23 Feb 11:30 by Dennis Hatfield

weather: Sunny; wind_speed (mph): 5-10; wind direction: South East; baro (mmHg): 767.08; tide: Incoming; Counted one line then scan. 2392 chaetoceros=1680 single+712 chain

10 Feb 11:30 by Dennis Hatfield

weather: Sunny; wind_speed (mph): 10-15; wind direction: South East; baro (mmHg): 768.1; tide: Incoming; Secchi on bottom. 4 rows counted all values multiplied by 2

27 Jan 11:30 by Dennis Hatfield

weather: Sunny; wind_speed (mph): 10-15; wind direction: West; baro (mmHg): 766.56; tide: Low; Secchi on bottom; Justin to enter Ph; meter problems; unknown-hairy entered as Chaetoceros spp. counts

13 Jan 11:30 by Dennis Hatfield

weather: Cloudy; wind_speed (mph): 5-10; wind direction: South East; baro (mmHg): 767.59; tide: Outgoing; Secchi on bottom1 rows counted;countsX8

16 Dec 11:30 by Dennis Hatfield

weather: Sunny; wind_speed (mph): 5-10; wind direction: South West; baro (mmHg): 770.89; tide: Outgoing; Secchi on bottom; Acanathometra-32

02 Dec 11:30 by Dennis Hatfield

weather: Sunny; wind_speed (mph): 15-20; wind direction: North; baro (mmHg): 772; tide: Outgoing; Secchi on bottom. 9 instances of

18 Nov 11:30 by Dennis Hatfield

weather: Cloudy; wind_speed (mph): 5-10; wind direction: South East; tide: Outgoing; PH meter not functioning properly

04 Nov 11:30 by Dennis Hatfield

weather: Sunny; wind_speed (mph): 5-10; wind direction: North; tide: Outgoing; COUNTED 5 ROWS

21 Oct 11:30 by Dennis Hatfield

weather: Cloudy; wind_speed (mph): 10-15; wind direction: South East; tide: Outgoing

07 Oct 11:30 by Dennis Hatfield