Little Lagoon SW

Little Lagoon

Gulf Shores, Alabama, United States

Site 4 is at a pier owned by Greg Luce and near the residence in the Bon Secour Wildlife Refuge home of LLPS Board Member Chan West. There is almost no development pressure in this end of the lagoon. Water quality overall is quite good here likely due to almost no development in the BNWR. Spring and Fall Diatom blooms here can be quite heavy and the toxic Dinoflagellate Karlodinium seems to like this end of Little Lagoon.

Location created by
Dennis Hatfield

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Observation tests summary

Salinity ppt
29.8 Latest
26.9 Average
Air temperature °C
25.0 Latest
22.0 Average
Water temperature °C
28.5 Latest
22.8 Average
Dissolved oxygen mg/L
5.1 Latest
6.9 Average
Secchi depth m
0.6 Latest
0.7 Average
pH (0-14)
8.0 Latest
8.0 Average
Total coliform ppm
0 Latest
112 Average
E.coli cfu per 100mL
0 Latest
12 Average
Other coliform cfu per 100mL
0 Latest
101 Average
Dissolved oxygen %
76.7 Latest
85.6 Average
Alkalinity mg/L
200 Latest
200 Average