Ontario, Canada
The water is high. North wind.
Collected from the shoreline where the water looked to be the deepest.
Today is sunny. It rained all last night.

- Group: Mini Testkit Recipient : 2020
- Lat: 44.9017003
- Lng: -77.1582001
- Waterbody Type: Lake
- Timezone: America/Toronto
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1 st visit of the season and the garbage is the best it has been in 3 years. There is a new aluminum boat at the portage.
Unable to get to the portage landing because the fall draw down had happened and we could not get in the bay with the boat to be able to make it to Kishabish.
Water continues to go down. Found more glass as the water gets lower. Also an aluminum boat was left at the portages and beer cans around it. We cleaned up the garbage.
The water has dropped significantly since our last visit. Forgot the camera to take a photo of the shore line. With more shore showing we were able to gather more of the broken glass. We found a small frog that looked almost copper and had a white stripe. Never seen a frog like that before.
Garbage cleaned up except for some broken glass. Jill found a toad.
Water is lower than last time you can see the water line. We did not take a measuring tape to find the distance.
There is lots of garbage left along the shore at the portage site (beer cans broken bottles chip bags etc.)