Little Lagoon NE

Little Lagoon

Gulf Shores, Alabama, United States

Site 2 pier is the Hatfield waterfront on Little Lagoon. We are NE of Lagoon pass and this Site tends to be saltier than Site 1, with occasionally high but overall lower bacteria counts than Site 1, with occasionally very high freshwater/groundwater/nutrient inputs, and with very dense Spring and Fall Diatom blooms.

Location created by
Dennis Hatfield

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weather: Rain; wind_speed (mph): 10-15; wind direction: South East; tide: Outgoing; Water temp SB 23.99?

07 Oct 10:30 by Dennis Hatfield

weather: Sunny; wind_speed (mph): 5-10; wind direction: East; tide: Outgoing

23 Sep 10:30 by Dennis Hatfield

weather: Sunny; wind_speed (mph): 5-10; wind direction: East; tide: Outgoing

09 Sep 10:30 by Dennis Hatfield

weather: Sunny; wind_speed (mph): 0-5; wind direction: North; tide: Outgoing; High Level of debris; 6 instances of Paralia sulcala in Phyto count

26 Aug 10:30 by Dennis Hatfield

weather: Sunny; wind_speed (mph): 0-5; wind direction: West; tide: Outgoing

12 Aug 10:30 by Dennis Hatfield

weather: Sunny; wind_speed (mph): 0-5; wind direction: North West; tide: Outgoing

15 Jul 10:30 by Dennis Hatfield

weather: Sunny; wind_speed (mph): 0-5; wind direction: North East; tide: High

01 Jul 10:30 by Dennis Hatfield

weather: Sunny; wind_speed (mph): 0-5; wind direction: South; tide: High; jelly fish

17 Jun 10:30 by Dennis Hatfield

weather: Sunny; wind_speed (mph): 0-5; wind direction: West; tide: Incoming; High Tide forcast 10:20AM

03 Jun 10:30 by Dennis Hatfield

weather: Sunny; wind_speed (mph): 10-15; wind direction: West; tide: Incoming; Scenedesmus found in Val's fountain...could be feedstock....introduction of non-native species?

20 May 10:30 by Dennis Hatfield