Little Lagoon
Gulf Shores, Alabama, United States
Site 2 pier is the Hatfield waterfront on Little Lagoon. We are NE of Lagoon pass and this Site tends to be saltier than Site 1, with occasionally high but overall lower bacteria counts than Site 1, with occasionally very high freshwater/groundwater/nutrient inputs, and with very dense Spring and Fall Diatom blooms.
- Group: Alabama : Little Lagoon Preservation Society
- Lat: 30.25325
- Lng: -87.72462
- Waterbody Type: Lagoon
- Timezone: America/Chicago
Latest photos
weather: Sunny; wind_speed (mph): 5-10; wind direction: South East; baro (mmHg): 766.57; tide: Slack; Secchi on bottom. Counted one cell then scan. Ceratium; procentrum; dactyliosolen;navicula;pleurosigma;skeletonema counted on scan. 7424 chaetoceros=7040 single+384 chain
weather: Sunny; wind_speed (mph): 5-10; wind direction: North East; baro (mmHg): 774.95; tide: Incoming; Secchi on bottom. Counted 1 row then scan. Nitzshia count noted on scan. 176 chaetoceros=88 single+88 chain
weather: Most Cloudy; wind_speed (mph): 10-15; wind direction: South East; baro (mmHg): 767.58; tide: Incoming; Secchi on bottom. No break out of single cell vs chain. Counted one row and scan.
weather: Sunny; wind_speed (mph): 10-15; wind direction: South East; baro (mmHg): 768.6; tide: Low; Secchi on bottom. 1 row counted all counts multiplied by 8
weather: Sunny; wind_speed (mph): 5-10; wind direction: North West; baro (mmHg): 766.56; tide: Low; Secchi on bottom; Justin to measure and enter Ph; problems with meter; unknown-hairy entered as Chaetoceros spp.
weather: Cloudy; wind_speed (mph): 5-10; wind direction: South East; baro (mmHg): 767.59; tide: Outgoing; Secchi on bottom2 rows counted;countsX4
weather: Sunny; wind_speed (mph): 0-5; wind direction: West; baro (mmHg): 771.4; tide: Outgoing; Secchi on bottom
weather: Sunny; wind_speed (mph): 15-20; wind direction: North; baro (mmHg): 772.41; tide: Outgoing; Secchi on bottom
weather: Partly Cloudy; wind_speed (mph): 5-10; wind direction: South East; tide: Outgoing; PH meter not functioning properly
weather: Sunny; wind_speed (mph): 5-10; wind direction: North; tide: Outgoing; Counted 4 phyto's