Sunday Lake
Ontario, Canada
- Group: Mini Testkit Recipient : 2020
- Lat: 45.0305977
- Lng: -76.7629015
- Waterbody Type: Lake
- Timezone: America/Toronto
Latest photos
View all photosLake levels dropped due to yearly Dam opening
Sunny clear cold
Lake at highest level of 2020. Highest in last ~three years. Partly sunny. Cloudy and windy previous 24 hours.
Hot, sunny, Dead Calm on Lake; 25 ft from shore.
Sunny warm; 25’ from shore
Partly Sunny... still heat wave; ~ 30’ from shore
Hot humid. Rain last night. Partly cloudy
Test taken at 10:45..
Heavy rains yesterday afternoon/last night
Cloudy today
Note: App froze; had to renter all data.
Taken Far East end of Lake. tons of minnows2 fish jumping in 1/2 hour.
Partly cloudy.
Previous 2 days colder( 14 high 5 low) heavy rains, high wind. Tons of caterpillars/ gypsy moths this season.
Cool, cloudy, choppy water. Tests taken in exact middle of Lake
Planned water testing with Kit on May 31.