Humber Arboretum Stone Skipping Spot

West Humber River

Etobicoke, Ontario, Canada

The river is fairly shallow at this bend and a small part of the riverbed here is often dry and forms a sort of riverside beach. It is not safe to visit after heavy rains as it will be submerged. It is accessed by a path through the bushes which is between the bridge to Woodbine Mall and the path into the Arboretum's lower woodlands. It is a popular spot for visiting school groups and nature campers to learn to skip stones.

Location created by
Marilyn Campbell

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West Humber River : Humber Arboretum Stone Skipping Spot

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Scum on the surface in the sampling location. Water level is relatively low.

West Humber River : Humber Arboretum Stone Skipping Spot

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River level is lower than last visit.

West Humber River : Humber Arboretum Stone Skipping Spot

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River deeper and faster than 10 Jan.

West Humber River : Humber Arboretum Stone Skipping Spot

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River deeper and faster than Dec 20.

West Humber River : Humber Arboretum Stone Skipping Spot

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Heard geese, mallards and coyotes? Half moon, low arcraft overhead.