Black Bay, near Luskville, QC

Ottawa River

Luskville, Quebec, Canada

Location created by
Dan Wilcock
  • Lat: 45.5202709
  • Lng: -76.0536856
  • Waterbody Type: River
  • Timezone: America/Toronto

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Ecoli samples processed by ORK.

For reference only (location is in Quebec) - this test result meets established Ontario standards for swimming, as outlined by Ottawa Public Health:

"Ottawa Public Health will issue a no-swimming advisory if:

- the geometric mean of 5 water samples taken on the previous day is greater than 200 E. coli per 100mL of water; or
- a single water sample test result from the previous day is greater than 400 E. coli per 100mL ; or
- there is a significant rainfall event."

21 Aug 17:30 by Dan Wilcock


Ecoli samples processed by ORK.

For reference only (location is in Quebec) - this test result meets established Ontario standards for swimming, as outlined by Ottawa Public Health:

"Ottawa Public Health will issue a no-swimming advisory if:

- the geometric mean of 5 water samples taken on the previous day is greater than 200 E. coli per 100mL of water; or
- a single water sample test result from the previous day is greater than 400 E. coli per 100mL ; or
- there is a significant rainfall event."

07 Aug 17:30 by Dan Wilcock


Ecoli samples processed by ORK. This test result meets provincially established standards for swimming, as outlined by Ottawa Public Health:

"Ottawa Public Health will issue a no-swimming advisory if:

- the geometric mean of 5 water samples taken on the previous day is greater than 200 E. coli per 100mL of water; or
- a single water sample test result from the previous day is greater than 400 E. coli per 100mL ; or
- there is a significant rainfall event."

24 Jul 17:00 by Dan Wilcock

Ecoli samples processed by ORK. This test result meets provincially established standards for swimming, as outlined by Ottawa Public Health:

"Ottawa Public Health will issue a no-swimming advisory if:

- the geometric mean of 5 water samples taken on the previous day is greater than 200 E. coli per 100mL of water; or
- a single water sample test result from the previous day is greater than 400 E. coli per 100mL ; or
- there is a significant rainfall event."

25 Aug 14:09 by Dan Wilcock