Landslide between Renfrew and Castleford, near First Chute of the Bonnechere

Bonnechere River

Ontario, Canada

River banks in this area are highly unstable. A massive Leda clay landslide near the end of Ferguson Road occurred during spring runoff 2016. It totally dammed the flow for several hours and backed up water to the Renfrew Power Generation powerhouse in the Town of Renfrew. Then the river carved a channel through the clay deposits and carried large amounts of silt and trees over the First Chute and into the Ottawa River. Spectacular views for paddlers on this stretch, which was paddled by a group on Saturday June 11th, 2016.

Location created by
Ole Hendrickson

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Bonnechere River : Landslide between Renfrew and Castleford, near First Chute of the Bonnechere

Observed on

Collected two garbage bags of trash at the First Chute and deposited them at the Horton Boat Launch