Blind Creek Bridge

Blind Creek

Yukon, Canada

Where blind creek road crosses blind creek
Also the location of a salmon counting station

Location created by
Vincent James Slotte

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Ran out of test strips just before getting here

24 Sep 09:41 by Vincent James Slotte

The water was very high due to snow melt. It was fast and wider than the banks

05 Jun 08:40 by Vincent James Slotte

Water is higher than usual for time of year. Very rainy summer

30 Aug 08:36 by Vincent James Slotte

Water was high, fast and dirty due to freshette in the mountains

31 May 08:23 by Vincent James Slotte

Almost completely iced over. One open lead that was safely accessed

27 Oct 10:00 by Vincent James Slotte

Did not see any evidence that Chinook had returned. There is usually a trap to count the returning salmon but it isn't being set up this year. The water was not as low as many other steams at this time of year which I feel is normal for this creek.

25 Aug 07:50 by Vincent James Slotte