Kipawa Lake - Turtle Chutes
Quebec, Canada
Location downstream from Turtle Chutes by approximately 305 meters.

- Group: Kipawa Lake Preservation Society
- Lat: 46.900431
- Lng: -78.8621622
- Waterbody Type: Lake
- Timezone: America/Toronto
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Kipawa Lake - Turtle Chutes : Turtle Chutes
Observed on
Observed 1 boat fishing in the area
Kipawa Lake - Turtle Chutes : Turtle Chutes
Observed on
Kipawa Lake - Turtle Chutes : Turtle Chutes
Observed on
No fishing boats in area today. Had some difficulties with meter calibration (pH/TDS/Conductiv...
Kipawa Lake - Turtle Chutes : Turtle Chutes
Observed on
No particles in water More geese flying south
Kipawa Lake - Turtle Chutes : Turtle Chutes
Observed on
Kipawa Lake - Turtle Chutes : Turtle Chutes
Observed on
Has been hot and humid for past 7 days but no signs of blue green algae
Kipawa Lake - Turtle Chutes : Turtle Chutes
Observed on
2 fishing boats sighted 1 eagle this week *water temperatures very high for this lake