Black Creek ( River )
Milford, Ontario, Canada
Seasonal stream ( spring & fall mostly ) flowing from west under County Rd 10 near Chapmans Cres into the marsh of the Black River which then flows eventually downstream into Lake Ontario . Test location is beside the culvert on the east side of the road which can be accessed easily by walking down the small embankment.

- Lat: 43.9303999
- Lng: -77.0870519
- Waterbody Type: Creek
- Timezone: America/Toronto
Latest photos
View all photosOvercast and calm now. No rain in past 24 hours. Lots of red-winged blackbirds in the marsh, but the swans who normally nest here have left for the Millpond instead as the water levels are so low here in the river now.
Sunny and windy day. Had just .8 MM rain yesterday. Canada Geese and swans in the marsh here.
Sunny with a few small clouds and calm. No rain in past 24 hours. Water very muddy and weedy. When I arrived there was a large splash in the water, which at first I thought must be a carp but turns out it was either a fisher, otter or mink who swam into the culvert. We do get beavers in this part of the river but it’s head and tail was too small...had very slender body. Photo shows it’s head poking up before it swam into the culvert.
Windy and overcast with storm clouds around that we hope bring us some badly needed rainfall . No rain in past 24 hours and has been another drought year so far for our region of PEC. Pair of swans feeding in the open water. Dragonflies, red-winged blackbirds and some songbirds around. Bullrushes and weeds are very thick and heavy coating of green algae on the surface.
Sunny humid day with medium winds. 8 MM rainfall last night during brief thunderstorm. Some fish jumping, dragonflies, pair of swans who nest among the marshes here, red-winged blackbirds, crows, robins & other songbirds around. No flow to the water here and some brown scum floating on the surface.
Sunny and windy. Pair of swans seen on the river and red winged blackbirds and Canada Geese overhead.
After an extended drought period of several weeks, we got a huge downpour in the early afternoon today with 14 MM accumulating within 45 mins time. Currently overcast. Creek is very heavy with weeds and has no flow at all. Ducks and geese flying overhead, lots of red winged blackbirds, some frogs, water bugs and mosquitoes.
Overcast and calm at the moment. Have had extensive rain fall over past 2 weeks ( 118.6 MM total from Apr 26th to May 14th ) Marsh flooded more than usual and much more than when first tested this spring. White swan pair flew in while I tested, Canada Geese, ducks and red-winged blackbirds around. Fairly good current of water flowing under the culvert from other side to where we test on the east side of the roadway.
Sunny and windy day. No rainfall in past 24 hrs. Swans and blackbirds in the marsh and on the river. Water flowing quite strongly through the culvert from the other side under the road.
Overcast, cool ( + 4 or 5 ) and windy day with less than 2 MM rainfall in past 24 hrs. This location being tested is at the end of a stream that collects water from a wide region of farmland & forest to the west and here it enters the marsh area of the Black River which then flows eventually into Lake Ontario. Pair of white swans on the river.