Powers Creek

Powers Creek Headwaters

Woodstock, Illinois, United States

Loyola University Retreat and Ecology Campus, where powers creek begins flowing behind the main garages. Just below the end on the power line on the north portion of the property line, and above the building gutter outlet.

Location created by
Luke Baldwin
  • Lat: 42.2899577
  • Lng: -88.3683801
  • Waterbody Type: Creek
  • Timezone: America/Chicago

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Very icy snow fall January 14th that required lots of road salting, and freezing temperatures leading up to thaw.

29 Jan 15:34 by Luke Baldwin

Found more springs today, and a lost hammer.

14 Jan 11:12 by Luke Baldwin

4" of snow has melted off and seep is flowing faster than usual.

26 Dec 14:59 by Luke Baldwin

This is a BS event, "Before Storm", and we are expecting 2-4 inches overnight. Seen that a coyote also likes to drink at my sample spot.

19 Dec 14:55 by Luke Baldwin