Kingsbury Brook (East)

Kingsbury Brook

London, Brent, United Kingdom

Just upstream of the EA grille at this location.

Location created by
Ben Morris

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Brook appears to have been rechannelled (environment agency?)

Water enters drain screen, into a culvert before flowing out into River Brent. The water is reasonably clear in this final visible stretch. Ben and I went to observe the brook where it emerges from an outfall roughly 600m upstream. Here the water was very foul - turbid with surface scum and a bad smell.

10 Jan 14:15 by Neil Marchant

The stream smelled bad, borne out by the results. Later we recce'd upstream (behind Dors Close) and found and reported a very bad pollution (TW 00857793).

(Phosphate device maxed at 2.50, so obviously much higher)

13 Nov 11:00 by Ben Morris