McVeigh Creek
Ontario, Canada
MC= McVeigh Creek
UGP = Upstream Goudreau Pits
This location serves as a comparative location to examine the effects of the Historical Goudreau Pits leaching iron, on McVeigh Creek. This location may also be used to determine potential concerns related to the Open Pit Mining Operations at the Magino Mine Site. This location is on the outer perimeter of mining operations which hosts an overburden stockpile to be used for future reclamation purposes.

Location created by
Ty Hourtovenko
- Group: Missanabie Cree First Nation : Dog Lake Head Waters Monitoring Program
- Site ID: MC - UGP
- Lat: 48.2830488
- Lng: -84.5026946
- Waterbody Type: Creek
- Timezone: America/Toronto
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McVeigh Creek : McVeigh Cr. Upstream from Goudreau Pits
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