Lake Kipawa
Quebec, Canada
Lake Kipawa near Turtle Camp (downstream of Turtle Chutes)

- Group: Kipawa Lake Preservation Society
- Lat: 46.8912768
- Lng: -78.8802052
- Waterbody Type: Lake
- Timezone: America/Toronto
Latest photos
No photos uploaded.
Leaves have already started to fall but there has not been a frost yet.
Had difficulty calibrating meter (pH/TDS/conductivity)
Water is clear, no particles.
Some particles in water
Maple tree leaves have turned red
Poplar and birch tree leaves have started to change color
Observed a flock of geese heading south
Leaves have started changing color
Even though it has been hot and humid and calm most days for the past week there have been no signs of Blue green algae
No sign yet of blue/green algae
water level still at June high because of rain
water is clear
2 loons feeding
water clear
Water clear
No signs of blue green algae