Harry J. Wolf

Spring Brook Creek

Warrenville, Illinois, United States

Spring Brook creek, just west of Urban Stream Research Center in Blackwell Forest Preserve. The creek flows from north to south at this location. Samples are taken from the bridge over the creek just west of the USRC.
41.82937 degrees North
88.18421 degrees West

Location created by
Harry Wolf

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Recent weather has been cold with snow on Wednesday (2-12) and again on Friday (2-14). Local streets were heavily salted due to snow storms and cold. Site was monitored because of short warm up, I thought there might be more runoff. Also note that riparian areas around site are being clear-cut of invasive species resulting in bare banks and area.

15 Feb 13:12 by Harry Wolf

Water level at site was high, almost flood stage due to rain the previous night and this morning. Water was turbid. Ground is still frozen so all rain was running off, none soaking into ground. Note that there is also signs of brush clearing upstream of site on right (northeast) bank. Forest Preserve has started this brush clearing project to remove invasive species (Amur Honeysuckle & Buckthorn) along banks and in area.

31 Jan 15:03 by Harry Wolf

Area received a small amount of rain 2-3 days prior to this data collection.

17 Dec 08:41 by Harry Wolf