Citronelle, Alabama, United States

- Group: Mobile Baykeeper : Mobile Baykeeper Team
- Site ID: AWW06017001
- Lat: 31.1193
- Lng: -88.1652
- Waterbody Type: Creek
- Timezone: America/Chicago
Latest photos
View all photosThe water is moving quickly. The water level is high. A lot of liter. Water is slightly dark.
Low water level, fast flow, slightly turbid, no trash in water, vegetation in water
Good flow, Foam in water
Not turbid but tea colored, green grass
High water
Moving water ,relatively clear, has debris ,plants are in the water. It's a cooler day than normal (5.05otu)(op bright:102.1)
Cedar : A lot more vegetation than there was last time. The creek is also a lot higher and lots more debris from the past storm.
No wildlife
Creek is up
More flow
Same Trash
Rain previous 24 hours