Apple River in Apple River Canyon State Park

Apple River

Stockton, Illinois, United States

Site is located in Apple River Canyon State Park just after the confluence of the North and South forks of the Apple River. Sampling location is on the southwest bank in the central park space, and is easily accessible. Water flows rapidly, and some ice is often present in winter, thought it rarely freezes over.

Location created by
Erik Nichols

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Apple River : Apple River in Apple River Canyon State Park

Observed on

Second sample taken at site confirming 1.4 Quantab units (35 mg/L Chloride).

Apple River : Apple River in Apple River Canyon State Park

Observed on

Heavy ice has covered this area of the river for a few weeks. Sample taken through a small melt-...

Apple River : Apple River in Apple River Canyon State Park

Observed on

Sample taken ~24 hours after multiple passes of salt truck during a light rain. Reading of 0.0 li...

Apple River : Apple River in Apple River Canyon State Park

Observed on

First observation at newly established site at confluence of the Apple River and South Fork of th...