Crabapple Lake at Morton Arboretum

Crabapple Lake

Lisle, Illinois, United States

North end of Crabapple Lake, across from P5

Location created by
Linda Heuser

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Crabapple Lake : Crabapple Lake at Morton Arboretum

Observed on

Quantab reading was below the scale so lowest value of ppm was recorded.

Crabapple Lake : Crabapple Lake at Morton Arboretum

Observed on

Quantab value was below the lowest value on the chart, so lowest PPM value was listed

Crabapple Lake : Crabapple Lake at Morton Arboretum

Observed on

There was no color change on the test strip. The lowest ppm value was recorded.

Crabapple Lake : Crabapple Lake at Morton Arboretum

Observed on

Quantab value of 0.4 was below the scope of the chart so the lowest PPM value was assigned.