Grenadier Pond
Etobicoke, Ontario, Canada
Along the path east of Grenadier Pond, near the small black signage posts.

- Group: Water Rangers : Guardians
- Lat: 43.6437308
- Lng: -79.4676089
- Waterbody Type: Pond
- Timezone: America/Toronto
Latest photos
View all photosMallards feeding. A person fishing illegally in the area (no fishing in this section of the park).
One red-winged blackbird, an osprey across the pond. Lots of trash. Floating algae. Residential and urban/road discharge from the surrounding areas. Evidence of fishing and boating (boats on western shore of Grenadier Pond). Floating mats of algae. Water flow is steady. Water level is low. Water colour is green and brown. The water is clear. No odour.
Scrum and floating algae on the surface of the water. Residential discharge and urban/road discharge from the surrounding area. Evidence of fishing (line caught in the trees). Floating mats of algae. water is still. Water level is low. The colour of the water is green and grey. The water is opaque. There is an odour of sewage.
wildlife spotted at the site include wood ducks, carp, black-capped night heron, and other bird species. On the water surface there's litter and floating algae. From the immediate surroundings there's residential discharge and urban/road discharge. Evidence of fishing and boating. There are floating algae mats. Steady water flow. Average water level. The water looks green. The water is cloudy. No odour.
Apple blossom time. Many people taking pictures. Breathtaking blooms.
How often is air temp cooler than water temp? Seems odd.
Algae, algae, algae. Upper part of the pond thick with green goo.