London, Kingston upon Thames, United Kingdom
Kingston University SERT RMI site - Sivi Sivanesan
Access via a ladder into stream.

- Group: South East Rivers Trust : Hogsmill Water Quality
- Site ID: TQ 18523 68720
- Lat: 51.405093
- Lng: -0.2973819
- Waterbody Type: River
- Timezone: Europe/London
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View all photosI may have to edit the alkalinity reading as I might have read it off the wrong scale as its so different from the last two months.
This stretch of the river has three cornered garlic and Himalayan balsam and Japanese knotweed.
Also why is loosestrife classed as invasive, we aren't in the USA, its a native in Britain. The same issue with nearly all of the other "invasives" listed. Our sites are in the UK, we need the UK invasive species listed here, not natives.
Insect seen = Damselfly larvae