Jarvis Street dock

St. Lawrence River

Ontario, Canada

This is off of a dock at the end of Jarvis Street. The water is about 20 feet below Street level. There are plants along river bottom. Begins shallow but depth drops at the end of the dock. Moving water. Too many plants to risk getting a depth measurement as we are worried the sechi meter might get tangled and caught.

Location created by
Caeden Amyotte

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There are ducks here. Plants along and in river. Little bees around too.

24 Aug 10:40 by Caeden Amyotte

Mostly mosquitoes here. Still plants visible in and around water.

23 Aug 09:45 by Caeden Amyotte

I don't see and animals in this rain. There are plants by the river and seaweed visible in river bed.

21 Aug 10:40 by Caeden Amyotte

There are lots of mosquitoes around. Grass along water's edge, sea grass visible in the water.

18 Aug 10:45 by Caeden Amyotte

There are many plants (grass) along river bottom. There are birds high in the sky.

16 Aug 11:42 by Caeden Amyotte