St. Lawrence River off Kirkman Cres.

St. Lawrence River

Ontario, Canada

Moving water. Off a dock.

Location created by
Caeden Amyotte

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Plants in and around water. There is a duck swimming really close to shore. Bees and dragonflies here too.

24 Aug 10:00 by Caeden Amyotte

There were plenty of flies around today. Plants still visible in and around water.

No ampoules supply to do the oxygen test.

23 Aug 09:00 by Caeden Amyotte

Plants visible by water's edge and in water. There is 1 bird I can see but he's very high in the sky and looks like he's halfway across the river.

21 Aug 10:00 by Caeden Amyotte

Plants visible at water's edge. No fish, birds or mammals visible. The only other living things are mosquitoes.

18 Aug 10:00 by Caeden Amyotte

There are plants by the water's edge and in the water. There are flies walking toward the river. A few Birds are flying overhead.

16 Aug 09:00 by Caeden Amyotte

There are flies around water's edge. Plants along riverbed. Rocks appear to have fungi growing on them. There are birds in the sky but none visible in water near me.

14 Aug 08:50 by Caeden Amyotte

No fish visible by the water's edge but there were 4 fishing boats with anglers. No insects visible near water's edge or walking to the site.

11 Aug 10:30 by Caeden Amyotte

No wildlife visible. No fish or birds around. Plants along water edge and floating on top of water. Can see plants growing under water as well.

09 Aug 09:20 by Caeden Amyotte

We saw ducks in the water and birds overhead. Minnows in the water. Area is surrounded by plants.

07 Aug 11:22 by Caeden Amyotte