Top of the Source de l'Allondon/Début de la Source de l'Allondon


Naz Dessus, Ain, France

Near the source of the stream, the water is moving downhill (relatively fast). There are a few "pools" further down. Lots of big rocks with moss growing over them.

Location created by
Geneviève Barry

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These tests were conducted after 3-4 cold, windy days of rain (and a bit of snow!). Water level is higher than in previous tests.
Hardness is a lot higher than in previous tests. Alkalinity is higher as well.

14 Nov 16:50 by Geneviève Barry

The tests were conducted just before the 1st pool (the water in the pool is usually much clearer - this could be due to a storm we had a few days ago. The water before the pool where the sample was taken was clear).

Sunny autumn day! :)

10 Oct 11:00 by Geneviève Barry