
WAG-M-02 Wagg Creek above confluence with Mission Creek. Medium Priority

North Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

WAG-M-02 Wagg Creek - just above Mission junction. Most easily accessed from the footbridge over Mission Creek just above the confluence. Walk easterly from that bridge along the contours to Wagg. GPS field coordinates Long -123.087723 Lat 49.321832 or UTM E 493,625, N 5,463,237. Must sample well below WAG-E-03 so the waters are well mixed

Location created by
Paul Lhotka
  • Site ID: WAG-M-02
  • Lat: 49.322199
  • Lng: -123.0877334
  • Waterbody Type: Unknown
  • Timezone: America/Vancouver

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measurements taken with YSI. Water flowing clear, turbidity is <14 NTU.
Note lack of tree canopy over the site; stream is exposed to lots of sunlight.

01 Sep 14:49 by Carolynne Robertson

noticeable turbidity and foam in the the creek

Chloride reading of 0 ppm changed to chlorine by admin (jonas@waterrangers.ca)

29 Jul 06:15 by Paul Lhotka